Plansza ABCD groszy groszy groszy Groszy GROSZY grosze Grosze gr Gr GR
Bez nadruku Lokalne Dyrekcyjne


District type 1 - CSZ Central Supply
Dyrekcja G³ówna
1.A - CSZ Centralna Sk³adnica Zaopatrzenia (dyrekcyjne)

Exhibition sheet no 4

Stamps with this type of overprint were used all over the country,
especially in the districts of: Warsaw, Gdańsk and Katowice.
They were rarely used in the districts of Lod¼, Szczecin and Poznań.


[Powiadom Znajomego!] [Zg³o¶ uwagź!] Wy¶wietleń: 3077

F 46

F 289

F 83

F 84

F 85

F 86

F 87

F 88

F 89

F 90

F 91