Plansza ABCD groszy groszy groszy Groszy GROSZY grosze Grosze gr Gr GR
Bez nadruku Lokalne Dyrekcyjne


Local type 27.B - Wielka Wieś na Helu
Dyrekcja Gdańska
27.B - Wielka Wieś na Helu (lokalne)

Exhibition sheet no 47

We received your letter and with regret l have to inform you that stamps of first issue we do not have. Overprint "GROSZE" was done by me because received one was damaged on the way to this office. This office has one like this sample damaged. This is original letter from the postmaster informing why the first letter "G" is missing on later overprint issues.

Copy of this letter is reproduced in the book :
Polskie Znaki Pocztowe II Ruch 1960, page 430.
Wielka Wieś na Helu is a small village on the Baltic peninsula
that has a courageous history.
This is where the Second World War started.
There are only ten postally used covers known to exist.

AII mint stamps in this section are expertise.


[Powiadom Znajomego!] [Zgłoś uwagę!] Wyświetleń: 2112

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