Plansza ABCD groszy groszy groszy Groszy GROSZY grosze Grosze gr Gr GR
Bez nadruku Lokalne Dyrekcyjne


Local type 36s - Rzeszów 1 (2)
Dyrekcja Krakowska
36 - Rzeszów 1 (2) (lokalne)
basic stamp no 27
black overprint

There is ONLY ONE known cover with strip of three with stamp #17 "Grosze"
Overprint made by wax matrice. There were ten rows of seven stamps each.
Stamp number # 17 was spelled differently.

Rzeszów to Warsaw, December 14, 1950

527 (Sc477) only stamp used for this overprint and only in black ink.


[Powiadom Znajomego!] [Zgłoś uwagę!] Wyświetleń: 2116

F 25

F 262

F 26

F 261

F 419

F 420

F 426

F 421

F 422

F 424

F 425

F 427

F 1129